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Podcasts created by the First World War Poetry Digital Archive Project at Oxford University. This project is digitising the manuscripts of the major British poets of WW1 and making them freely available online, along with a set of teaching resources. The project is funded by the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) - and run by Oxford University's English Faculty and Computing Services (http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit).
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
20 | Creative Commons | New Perspectives 1: Georgians and Others | Short presentation as part of the Oxford 'British Poetry of the First World War' Spring School | Stuart Lee | 06 Sep 2014 |
19 | Creative Commons | From Owen's Doomed Youth, to his doomed youth | Lecture at the event 'Wilfred Owen: From Doomed Youth to the Battle of the Sambre'. Imperial War Museum, 10th November 2012. | Jean Moorcroft Wilson | 27 Feb 2013 |
18 | Creative Commons | From Mametz Wood to The General | Lecture on Siegfried Sassoon given at the Imperial War Museum, London, 12th November 2011. | Jean Moorcroft Wilson | 27 Feb 2013 |
17 | Creative Commons | The Last Phase | A discussion on the last phase of the First World War. A talk given at 'Wilfred Owen: From Doomed Youth to Battle of the Sambre', Imperial War Museum, 10th November 2012. | Max Egremont | 18 Feb 2013 |
16 | Creative Commons | Alisa Miller: 'Selling Patriotism: Rupert Brooke in the First World War' | Alisa Miller takes a look at the 'Rupert Brooke cult', examining why this particular poet was so popular during the First World War, both with the general public and the soldier, at home and abroad. | Alisa Miller | 26 Jan 2010 |
15 | Tim Kendall: 'Ivor Gurney: First War Poet' | Professor Tim Kendall considers what composer and poet Ivor Gurney understood by the phrase 'war poet' and how he saw his own work as belonging to (and eminent amidst) a tradition of writing about war. | Tim Kendall | 26 Jan 2010 | |
14 | An interview with Colin Hughes | Colin Hughes, author of David Jones: the man who was on the field (1979), discusses his friendship with poet and artist David Jones and his research on the Battle of Mametz Wood. | Colin Hughes, Alun Edwards | 26 Jan 2010 | |
13 | WW1 Poetry Digital Archive Project | JISC documentary introducing the WW1 Poetry Digital Archive Project website and providing an overview to the wealth of material available. | Kate Lindsay | 13 Nov 2008 | |
12 | War Cemeteries | A short video made by the First World War Poetry Digital Archive taking viewers through tracing the burial site of a soldier of the First World War. | Everett Sharp, Kate Lindsay, Alun Edwards | 05 Aug 2008 | |
11 | Kate Lindsay Interview | In a podcast recorded earlier this year, Kate Lindsay, Project Manager for the First World War Poetry Digital Archive discusses the exciting development of the First World War Poetry Digital Archive and The Great War Archive. | Kate Lindsay | 29 Jul 2008 | |
10 | Trench Warfare | A short video made by the First World War Poetry Digital Archive taking viewers through some of the features associated with trench warfare on the Western Front during World War One. | Everett Sharp | 29 Jul 2008 | |
9 | Poetry Tour - London (2) | A second enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the Trench Experience and the end of the war, linking to some of the poets and poetry of the period. | Stuart Lee | 29 May 2008 | |
8 | Teaching WW1 Literature: Andrea Peterson | Andrea Peterson 'Children's Literature'. | Andrea Peterson | 06 May 2008 | |
7 | Teaching WW1 Literature: Vivien Noakes | Vivien Noakes 'Blasting the Canon'. | Vivien Noakes | 06 May 2008 | |
6 | Teaching WW1 Literature: Meg Crane | Meg Crane 'WW1 Poetry in Schools'. | Meg Crane | 06 May 2008 | |
5 | Teaching WW1 Literature: Jon Stallworthy | Jon Stallworthy 'War Poetry'. | Jon Stallworthy | 06 May 2008 | |
4 | Richard Holmes interview | In this interview, the well-known military historian Brigadier Richard Holmes discusses his work on WW1, remembrance, his views on WW1 poetry, and how those experiences relate to the British Army currently serving in Iraq. | Richard Holmes | 02 Apr 2008 | |
3 | Poetry Tour - London (1) | An enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the displays on the First World War but links them to some of the poets and poetry of the period. | Stuart Lee | 28 Jan 2008 | |
2 | Creative Commons | Max Arthur Interview | An interview with Max Arthur, author of 'Forgotten Voices', 'Last Post', and most recently 'Faces of World War One: The Tragedy of the Great War in Words and Pictures'. | Max Arthur | 12 Dec 2007 |
1 | Ian Hislop interview | An interview with Ian Hislop, editor of Private Eye, and TV presenter on WW1 documentaries entitled 'Not Forgotten' (Channel 4, UK). Part of a series of Podcasts from Oxford University's First World War Poetry Digital Project. | Ian Hislop | 25 Sep 2007 |