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The Department of Statistics at Oxford is a world leader in research including computational statistics and statistical methodology, applied probability, bioinformatics and mathematical genetics. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), Oxford's Mathematical Sciences submission was ranked overall best in the UK.
This is an exciting time for the Department. We have now moved into our new home on St Giles and we are currently settling in.
The new building provides improved lecture and teaching space, a variety of interaction areas, and brings together researchers in Probability and Statistics. It has created a highly visible centre for the Department in Oxford.
Since 2010, the Department has been awarded over forty research grants with a total value of £9M, not counting several very large EPSRC and MRC funded awards for Centres for doctoral training.The main sponsors are the European Commission, EPSRC, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust.
We offer an undergraduate degree (BA or MMath) in Mathematics and Statistics, jointly with the Mathematical Institute.
At postgraduate level there is an MSc course in Applied Statistics, as well as a lively and stimulating environment for postgraduate research (DPhil or MSc by Research). Our graduates are employed in a wide range of occupational sectors throughout the world, including the university sector.
The Department co-hosts the EPSRC and MRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Next-Generational Statistical Science- the Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme OxWaSP.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
41 | Creative Commons | A Theory of Weak-Supervision and Zero-Shot Learning | A lecture exploring alternatives to using labeled training data. | Eli Upfal | 09 Jun 2022 |
40 | Creative Commons | Victims of Algorithmic Violence: An Introduction to AI Ethics and Human-AI Interaction | A high-level overview of key areas of AI ethics and not-ethics, exploring the challenges of algorithmic decision-making, kinds of bias, and interpretability, linking these issues to problems of human-system interaction. | Max Van Kleek | 06 Apr 2022 |
39 | Creative Commons | The practicalities of academic research ethics - how to get things done | A brief introduction to various legal and procedural ethical concepts and their applications within and beyond academia. | Katherine Fletcher | 05 Apr 2022 |
38 | Creative Commons | Statistics, ethical and unethical: Some historical vignettes | David Steinsaltz gives a lecture on the ethical issues in statistics using historical examples. | David Steinsaltz | 05 Apr 2022 |
37 | Creative Commons | Joining Bayesian submodels with Markov melding | This seminar explains and illustrates the approach of Markov melding for joint analysis. | Robert Goudie | 05 Apr 2022 |
36 | Creative Commons | Neural Networks and Deep Kernel Shaping | Rapid training of deep neural networks without skip connections or normalization layers using Deep Kernel Shaping. | James Martens | 05 Apr 2022 |
35 | Creative Commons | Introduction to Advanced Research Computing at Oxford | Andy Gittings and Dai Jenkins, deliver a graduate lecture on Advance Research Computing (ARC). | Andy Gittings, Dai Jenkins | 05 Apr 2022 |
34 | Creative Commons | Ethics from the perspective of an applied statistician | Professor Denise Lievesley discusses ethical issues and codes of conduct relevant to applied statisticians. | Denise Lievesley | 31 Mar 2022 |
33 | Creative Commons | A Day in the Life of a Statistics Consultant | Maria Christodoulou and Mariagrazia Zottoli share what a standard day is like for a statistics consultant. | Maria Christodoulou, Mariagrazia Zottoli | 31 Mar 2022 |
32 | Creative Commons | Metropolis Adjusted Langevin Trajectories: a robust alternative to Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo | Lionel Riou-Durand gives a talk on sampling methods. | Lionel Riou-Durand | 31 Mar 2022 |
31 | Modelling infectious diseases: what can branching processes tell us? | Professor Samir Bhatt gives a talk on the mathematics underpinning infectious disease models. | Samir Bhatt | 31 Mar 2022 | |
30 | Causality and Autoencoders in the Light of Drug Repurposing for COVID-19 | Caroline Uhler (MIT), gives a OxCSML Seminar on Friday 2nd July 2021. | Caroline Uhler | 29 Jul 2021 | |
29 | Recent Applications of Stein's Method in Machine Learning | Qiang Liu (University of Texas at Austin) gives the OxCSML Seminar on Friday 4th June 2021. | Qiang Liu | 29 Jul 2021 | |
28 | Do Simpler Models Exist and How Can We Find Them? | Cynthia Rudin (Duke University) gives a OxCSML Seminar on Friday 14th May 2021. | Cynthia Rudin | 29 Jul 2021 | |
27 | Practical pre-asymptotic diagnostic of Monte Carlo estimates in Bayesian inference and machine learning | Aki Vehtari (Aalto University) gives the OxCSML Seminar on Friday 7th May 2021 | Aki Vehtari | 29 Jul 2021 | |
26 | Complexity of local MCMC methods for high-dimensional model selection | Quan Zhou, Texas A and M University, gives an OxCSML Seminar on Friday 25th June 2021. | Quan Zhou | 02 Jul 2021 | |
25 | Assessing Personalization in Digital Health | Distinguished Speaker Seminar - Friday 18th June 2021, with Susan Murphy, Professor of Statistics and Computer Science, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. | Susan Murphy | 23 Jun 2021 | |
24 | Machine Learning in Drug Discovery | Graduate Lecture - Thursday 3rd June 2021, with Dr Fergus Boyles. Department of Statistics, University of Oxford. | Fergus Boyles | 23 Jun 2021 | |
23 | Several structured thresholding bandit problems | OxCSML Seminar - Friday 28th May 2021, presented by Alexandra Carpentier (University of Magdeburg). | Alexandra Carpentier | 23 Jun 2021 | |
22 | A primer on PAC-Bayesian learning *followed by* News from the PAC-Bayes frontline | Benjamin Guedj, University College London, gives a OxCSML Seminar on 26th March 2021. | Benjamin Guedj | 28 May 2021 | |
21 | Approximate Bayesian computation with surrogate posteriors | Julyan Arbel (Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes), gives an OxCSML Seminar on Friday 30th April 2021, for the Department of Statistics. | Julyan Arbel | 21 May 2021 | |
20 | Introduction to Bayesian inference for Differential Equation Models Using PINTS | Ben Lambert, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, gives the Graduate Lecture on Thursday 6th May 2021, for the Department of Statistics. | Ben Lambert | 21 May 2021 | |
19 | On classification with small Bayes error and the max-margin classifier | Professor Sara Van de Geer, ETH Zürich, gives the Distinguished Speaker Seminar on Thursday 29th April 2021 for the Department of Statistics. | Sara Van de Geer | 21 May 2021 | |
18 | Convergence of Online SGD under Infinite Noise Variance, and Non-convexity | Murat Erdogdu gives the OxCSML Seminar on Friday 12th March, 2021, for the Department of Statistics. | Murat Erdogdu | 21 May 2021 | |
17 | Distribution-dependent generalization bounds for noisy, iterative learning algorithms | Karolina Dziugaite (Element AI), gives the OxCSML Seminar on 26th February 2021. | Karolina Dziugaite | 17 Mar 2021 | |
16 | Finding Today’s Slaves: Lessons Learned From Over A Decade of Measurement in Modern Slavery | Professor Davina Durgana, award-winning international human rights statistician and professor with almost 15 years of experience developing leading global models to assess risk to modern slavery, gives a talk on their work on modern slavery. | Davina Durgana | 01 Mar 2021 | |
15 | Veridical Data Science for biomedical discovery: detecting epistatic interactions with epiTree | Bin Yu, Chancellor's Professor, Departments of Statistics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley, gives a seminar for the Department of Statistics. | Bin Yu | 26 Feb 2021 | |
14 | (Not) Aggregating Data: The Corcoran Memorial Lecture | Professor Kerrie Mengersen, Distinguished Professor of Statistics at Queensland University of Technology in the Science and Engineering Faculty, gives the The Corcoran Memorial Lecture, held on 21st January 2021. | Kerrie Mengersen | 05 Feb 2021 | |
13 | Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Panel Session | The Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Lecture was followed by a Panel Session with Professor Deborah Ashby, Professor David Cox and Professor David Spiegelhalter. The Panel was chaired by Professor Jennifer Rogers about the role of statistics in society | Deborah Ashby, David Cox, David Spiegelhalter | 05 Feb 2021 | |
12 | Florence Nightingale and the politicians’ pigeon holes: using data for the good of society | Professor Deborah Ashby, President of the RSS, gives the 2020 Florence Nightingale lecture. | Deborah Ashby, David Cox, David Spiegelhalter | 07 Jan 2021 | |
11 | Probabilistic Inference and Learning with Stein’s Method | Part of the Probability for Machine Learning seminar series. Presented by Prof Lester Mackey (Microsoft Research New England and Stanford University). | Lester Mackey | 04 Dec 2020 | |
10 | Introduction to Deep Learning and Graph Neural Networks in Biomedicine | Dr. Ekaterina Volkova-Volkmar, Senior Data Scientist, pRED Informatics - Data Science, Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Roche, Basel, Switzerland, gives a talk on deep learning and graph neural networks in biomedicine. | Ekaterina Volkova-Volkmar | 03 Dec 2020 | |
9 | Looking back on 4 years in data science | Jonny Brooks-Bartlett, Senior machine learning engineer at Spotify, gives a talk on his experiences as a data scientist and as machine learning engineer in top rated companies around the world. | Jonny Brooks-Bartlett | 28 Nov 2020 | |
8 | Creative Commons | Black History Month: Exploring the Data Visualizations of W.E.B. Du Bois | Jason Forrest, Director of Interactive Data Visualization, COVID Response Centre, McKinsey and Co, New York, gives the Department of Statistics Black History Month lecture, with a talk on the work of African-American scholar and activist W.E.B. Du Bois. | Jason Forrest | 23 Oct 2020 |
7 | The Science Media Centre and its work | Fiona Lethbridge, Science Media Centre, gives a talk on the Science Media Centre and it's work. | Fiona Lethbridge | 24 Jun 2020 | |
6 | How To Set Up Continuous Integration to Make Your Code More Robust, More Maintainable, and Easier to Publish | Dr Fergus Cooper, Research Software Engineer, Oxford RSE Group, gives a talk for the department of Statistics on 5th June 2020. | Fergus Cooper | 10 Jun 2020 | |
5 | Developing better code with automated testing | Graham Lee, Research Software Engineer, Oxford RSE Group, gives talk for the department of Statistics on 22nd May 2020. | Graham Lee | 10 Jun 2020 | |
4 | Cluster-Randomised Test Negative Designs: Inference and Application to Vector Trials to Eliminate Dengue | Nick Jewell, University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, gives a talk for the departmental of Statistics on 28th May 2020. | Nick Jewell | 10 Jun 2020 | |
3 | MCMC for Hierachical Bayesian Models Using Non-reversible Langevin Methods | Radford M. Neal (University of Toronto), gives a talk for the department of Statistics. | Radford M Neal | 10 Jun 2020 | |
2 | Maths and Stats in Action – Real-time Analysis to Understand the Novel Coronavirus | Providing a whirlwind tour of the quantitative analyses currently underway to understand the transmission and control of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCOV). Recorded on 31st January 2020. | Christl Donnelly, Robin Thompson, Christophe Fraser | 11 Mar 2020 | |
1 | Bioinformatics at the heart of biology and genomics medicine | The Ninth annual Florence Nightingale Lecture, given by Professor Dame Janet Thornton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge. Held on Thursday 21st April 2016. | Dame Janet Thornton | 27 Apr 2016 |