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What happens after a storm?

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What happens after a storm?
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Duration: 0:10:42 | Added: 10 Jan 2018
In our latest episode of the Big Questions podcast we visited Dr Peter Walton, a geography teacher turned fellow of the Environmental Change Institute, at the University of Oxford, to ask: What happens after a storm?

Does this sound familiar? ‘This is definitely the coldest winter’, ‘we haven’t experienced strong winds like this before’, ‘what a deluge!’ It is easy to blame climate change for the latest bad weather conditions – but how do we really know?
In our latest Oxford Sparks podcast where we ask the Big Questions to the brightest minds across the University of Oxford, we asked: What happens after a storm?
We visited Dr Peter Walton a geography teacher turned fellow of the Environmental Change Institute, at the University of Oxford, to find out!

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