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Statelessness and citizenship: camps and the creation of political space

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Statelessness and citizenship: camps and the creation of political space
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Duration: 0:39:34 | Added: 21 Feb 2013
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2013. Seminar by Dr Victoria Redclift (London School of Economics) recorded on 20 February 2013 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.

What does it mean to be a citizen? In depth field research with a stateless population in Bangladesh reveals that the limits of political community are not set in stone. The Urdu speaking population in Bangladesh exemplify some of the key problems facing uprooted populations. Set in a site of camp and non camp based displacement, their experiences illustrate the nuances of political identity, and lived spaces of statelessness, that Western political theory has too long hidden from view.

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