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Creative Commons |
What is a War Poem? |
Kate McLoughlin explores how we might define a war poem. |
Kate McLoughlin |
07 Mar 2019 |
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America and the Treaty of Versailles |
A public lecture for a series on the United States and World War One. |
Margaret MacMillan |
15 May 2017 |
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Wharton in Wartime |
A roundtable discussion to mark the publication of Alice Kelly's critical edition of Edith Wharton's First World War reportage Fighting France: From Dunkerque to Belfort (Edinburgh University Press, 2015). |
Alice Kelly, Shafquat Towheed, Dame Hermione Lee, Elleke Boehmer |
11 Feb 2016 |
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Too Valuable to Die? |
Silke Ackermann, Nigel Biggar and Liz Bruton debate the ethics of science and scientists going to war |
Silke Ackermann, Nigel Biggar, Liz Bruton |
14 Oct 2015 |
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From Edwardian Merton to the Western Front 1906-1918 |
A talk by Professor Anthony Fletcher (Merton 1959), Emeritus Professor of English Social History at the University of London, and author of 'Life, Death, and Growing Up on the Western Front'. |
Anthony Fletcher |
27 Mar 2015 |
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Oriel and the Great War |
This lecture on Oriel College's involvement in WW1 was given by Dr John Stevenson (former College Lecturer in History at Oriel and former Fellow at Worcester College) |
John Stevenson, Moira Wallace |
14 Jan 2015 |
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Choice or Accident? The outbreak of the First World War |
The causes of the First World War have long been controversial and remain so. The Warden of St Antony's College, Oxford, and author of The War that Ended Peace (2013) brings us up to date on the debate. |
Margaret MacMillan |
04 Nov 2014 |
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Working in partnership, community engagement at the Museum of Oxford |
Helen Fountain and Antonia Harland-Lang give a talk on the ways in which the Museum of Oxford reaches out to the local community |
Helen Fountain, Antonia Harland-Lang |
21 Oct 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
‘Help to win the war’: an analysis of the typographic posters produced by the New Zealand Government 1914-1918 |
This paper analyses typographic posters produced by the New Zealand Government in WWI to recruit men and money to the war effort. They chart the progress of recruitment strategies from voluntarism through to the contested years leading to conscription. |
Patricia Thomas |
30 Sep 2014 |
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The past is never dead: Balkan legacies of the First World War part two |
Speakers include: Ivo Banac (Yale University), Richard Crampton (St Edmund Hall, Oxford), Basil Gounaris (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Margaret Macmillan (St Antony’s College, Oxford), Eugene Rogan (St Antony’s College, Oxford) |
Ivo Banac, Richard Crampton, Basil Gounaris |
19 Jun 2014 |
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The past is never dead: Balkan legacies of the First World War part one |
Speakers include; Ivo Banac (Yale University), Richard Crampton (St Edmund Hall, Oxford), Basil Gounaris (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Margaret Macmillan (St Antony’s College, Oxford), Eugene Rogan (St Antony’s College, Oxford) |
Othon Anastasakis, Elizabeth Roberts, Margaret MacMillan, Richard Crampton |
19 Jun 2014 |
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OxPeace 2014: Opening Plenary Part 1 |
Professor Margaret MacMillan gives a talk for the opening plenary to the OxPeace 2014 Conference; New Wars? No Wars? Peacingmaking in new contexts |
Margaret MacMillan |
02 Jun 2014 |
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OxPeace 2014: No Wars? New Wars? Peacemaking in new contexts |
Professor Mary Kaldor, LSE, gives the first talk for the 2014 OxPeace conference; No Wars? New Wars? Peacemaking in new contexts |
Mary kaldor |
02 Jun 2014 |
14 |
Creative Commons |
“If you do not want to see God’s hand in everything, even in the most unbearable, you are lost.” Experiencing the First World War Alongside Kaiser Wilhelm II |
Leeds University's Professor of Central European History, editor of An Improbable War?The Outbreak of World War I and European Politicsl Culture before 1914, views the war through the letters of one of the Kaiser's generals to his wife. |
Holger Afflerbach |
04 Mar 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
The War and English Religion |
Merton College's Tutor in History, an historian of 20th century Britain, argues that English Christianity survived the First World War rather better than is often assumed. |
Matthew Grimley |
25 Feb 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
1914–1918: Was Britain Right to Fight? |
The Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, Canon of Christ Church, and author of In Defence of War (2013) analyses Britain's belligerency in terms of Christian just war reasoning, and concludes that it was justified. |
Nigel Biggar |
13 Feb 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Victorious Donkeys? British Generals and Generalship of the First World War Reconsidered |
The Professor of War Studies at Wolverhampton University, a leading British military historian of the First World War, explodes some myths about British generalship and the performance of the British Army. |
Gary Sheffield |
11 Feb 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Accident or Choice? The Outbreak of the First World War |
The causes of the First World War have long been controversial and remain so. The Warden of St Antony's College, Oxford, and author of The War that Ended Peace (2013) brings us up to date on the debate. |
Margaret MacMillan |
03 Feb 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Shot at Dawn |
How a contemporary photographer is addressing one of the conflict's most sensitive topics. |
Chloe Dewe Matthews |
18 Jul 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
From Owen's Doomed Youth, to his doomed youth |
Lecture at the event 'Wilfred Owen: From Doomed Youth to the Battle of the Sambre'. Imperial War Museum, 10th November 2012. |
Jean Moorcroft Wilson |
27 Feb 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
From Mametz Wood to The General |
Lecture on Siegfried Sassoon given at the Imperial War Museum, London, 12th November 2011. |
Jean Moorcroft Wilson |
27 Feb 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Les Permissionnaires |
A look at the different experiences of service leave during the First World War (in French). |
Emmanuelle Cronier |
20 Feb 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Soldiers on Leave |
A look at the different experiences of service leave during the First World War. |
Emmanuelle Cronier |
20 Feb 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
The Last Phase |
A discussion on the last phase of the First World War. A talk given at 'Wilfred Owen: From Doomed Youth to Battle of the Sambre', Imperial War Museum, 10th November 2012. |
Max Egremont |
18 Feb 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
The Sandwich that Sabotaged Civilisation |
Myths and Mistakes. How a well known photograph and an infamous lunch break have shaped our memory of the Sarajevo assassination. |
Dr Paul Miller |
10 Jan 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Popular fiction in World War One |
An argument for a more nuanced assessment of the popular literature consumed by the wider public during the First World War. |
Jane Potter |
10 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Wartime Art and Grief |
German women and the aesthetics of loss portrayed through art during the First World War. |
Claudia Siebrecht |
10 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Morality in Wartime Britain |
Dr Edward Madigan from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission considers the issue of morality and the role of the British clergy during the First World War. |
Edward Madigan |
10 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Conflict Culture |
How much do we really know about the experience of the average individual soldier? |
Matthew Leonard |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The Better Part of Valour |
Combatant Courage on the Western Front. |
Edward Madigan |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Surplus Women |
The First World War and its impact on emigration, work and marriage. |
Rosemary Wall |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The Indian Sepoy in the First World War |
The role of India and the Indian Sepoy in the First World War. |
Santanu Das |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Rethinking British Volunteerism in 1914: A Rush to the Colours? |
The British response to the outbreak of War in 1914. |
Catriona Pennell |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The Historian and the Centenary |
Important questions, problems, and challenges pertaining to the role historians and scholars will play in the centenary of the First World War. |
Pierre Purseigle |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Why are we still trying to understand the outbreak of World War One? |
In this St John's College Research Centre 2012 Annual Lecture, Professor Margaret MacMillan examines the reasons why this question has remained important over the last 100 years and suggests some possible explanations for the outbreak of the war. |
Margaret MacMillan |
29 Oct 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Europeana 1914-1918: Community Collection |
Alun Edwards, Manager for RunCoCo, University of Oxford, discusses the value of crowd-sourcing and public engagement in the Europeana 1914-1918 project to digitise First World War memorabilia. |
Alun Edwards |
24 Aug 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Beyond 2011 - A Road Movie |
Alun Edwards and Stuart Lee (Oxford University Computing Services) present their experiences of running public participation days in Germany to gather everyday objects from World War I. |
Alun Edwards, Stuart Lee |
26 May 2011 |
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Creative Commons |
Alisa Miller: 'Selling Patriotism: Rupert Brooke in the First World War' |
Alisa Miller takes a look at the 'Rupert Brooke cult', examining why this particular poet was so popular during the First World War, both with the general public and the soldier, at home and abroad. |
Alisa Miller |
26 Jan 2010 |
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Tim Kendall: 'Ivor Gurney: First War Poet' |
Professor Tim Kendall considers what composer and poet Ivor Gurney understood by the phrase 'war poet' and how he saw his own work as belonging to (and eminent amidst) a tradition of writing about war. |
Tim Kendall |
26 Jan 2010 |
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An interview with Colin Hughes |
Colin Hughes, author of David Jones: the man who was on the field (1979), discusses his friendship with poet and artist David Jones and his research on the Battle of Mametz Wood. |
Colin Hughes, Alun Edwards |
26 Jan 2010 |
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WW1 Poetry Digital Archive Project |
JISC documentary introducing the WW1 Poetry Digital Archive Project website and providing an overview to the wealth of material available. |
Kate Lindsay |
13 Nov 2008 |
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War Cemeteries |
A short video made by the First World War Poetry Digital Archive taking viewers through tracing the burial site of a soldier of the First World War. |
Everett Sharp, Kate Lindsay, Alun Edwards |
05 Aug 2008 |
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Kate Lindsay Interview |
In a podcast recorded earlier this year, Kate Lindsay, Project Manager for the First World War Poetry Digital Archive discusses the exciting development of the First World War Poetry Digital Archive and The Great War Archive. |
Kate Lindsay |
29 Jul 2008 |
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Trench Warfare |
A short video made by the First World War Poetry Digital Archive taking viewers through some of the features associated with trench warfare on the Western Front during World War One. |
Everett Sharp |
29 Jul 2008 |
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Poetry Tour - London (2) |
A second enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the Trench Experience and the end of the war, linking to some of the poets and poetry of the period. |
Stuart Lee |
29 May 2008 |
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Teaching WW1 Literature: Andrea Peterson |
Andrea Peterson 'Children's Literature'. |
Andrea Peterson |
06 May 2008 |
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Teaching WW1 Literature: Vivien Noakes |
Vivien Noakes 'Blasting the Canon'. |
Vivien Noakes |
06 May 2008 |
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Teaching WW1 Literature: Meg Crane |
Meg Crane 'WW1 Poetry in Schools'. |
Meg Crane |
06 May 2008 |
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Teaching WW1 Literature: Jon Stallworthy |
Jon Stallworthy 'War Poetry'. |
Jon Stallworthy |
06 May 2008 |
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Richard Holmes interview |
In this interview, the well-known military historian Brigadier Richard Holmes discusses his work on WW1, remembrance, his views on WW1 poetry, and how those experiences relate to the British Army currently serving in Iraq. |
Richard Holmes |
02 Apr 2008 |
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Poetry Tour - London (1) |
An enhanced podcast tour of some of the exhibits in the Imperial War Museum. The tour takes you through the displays on the First World War but links them to some of the poets and poetry of the period. |
Stuart Lee |
28 Jan 2008 |
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Creative Commons |
Max Arthur Interview |
An interview with Max Arthur, author of 'Forgotten Voices', 'Last Post', and most recently 'Faces of World War One: The Tragedy of the Great War in Words and Pictures'. |
Max Arthur |
12 Dec 2007 |
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Ian Hislop interview |
An interview with Ian Hislop, editor of Private Eye, and TV presenter on WW1 documentaries entitled 'Not Forgotten' (Channel 4, UK). Part of a series of Podcasts from Oxford University's First World War Poetry Digital Project. |
Ian Hislop |
25 Sep 2007 |