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# Episode Title Description People Date
101 Medical Innovation 2010: Parallel Session 1 Innovation to Practice: What are the challanges to bringing innovative drugs and devices into healthcare delivery and practice globally? Lionel Tarassenko, Constantin Coussios, Peter Dobson, Christopher Elias 02 Aug 2010
102 Medical Innovation 2010: Opening Remarks and Keynote Address Opening remarks for the Medical Innovation 2010 Conference and a Keynote Address given by Prof Baron Peter Piot, The Institute for Global Health, Imperial College London, 'Harnessing Innovation to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Global Health Landscape' Sue Dopson, Andrew Hamilton, Peter Piot 02 Aug 2010
103 International Summer School in Forced Migration 2010: Endnote Lecture This podcast was recorded at the Endnote Lecture of the Refugee Studies Centre's International Summer School in Forced Migration which was on Friday 23rd July 2010 at Wadham College, University of Oxford. Dennis McNamara 26 Jul 2010
104 Creative Commons British EU Policy After The Election Recorded on 15th June 2010, the European Studies Centre, St Antony's College presents The Chancellor of the University of Oxford Lord Patten of Barnes in conversation with Lord Hannay and Sir Stephen Wall. Convenor: Professor Jane Caplan. David Hannay, Stephen Wall, Chris Patten, Jane Caplan 19 Jul 2010
105 Giving in the Digital World For charitable organizations and initiatives, the Internet provides the opportunity to reach more people in more direct and personal ways. Are they grasping this opportunity? Lucy Bernholz 30 Apr 2010
106 What's all the fuss about? When individual risks meet policy uncertainties in health This lecture series seeks to explore and explain the sources and forms of uncertainty in key aspects of contemporary life. David Spiegelhalter 24 Mar 2010
107 Relationships and the Internet This forum looks at the state of the art of academic research on relationships and the Internet and how this research informs research on the social aspects of the Internet in general, such as issues of trust and identity. William Dutton, Nicole Ellison, Bernie Hogan, Joseph B. Walther 08 Mar 2010
108 Those Golden Eggs Come From Somewhere: Internet Regulation at a Crossroads A discussion of how largely well-intentioned political and legal reactions to the highest-profile risks of ICT creates a danger of perhaps killing the goose that is giving us golden eggs of innovation, decentralization, and personal empowerment. Michael Froomkin 08 Mar 2010
109 Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market Analysis A discussion of net neutrality regulation in the context of a two-sided market model. Nicholas Economides 08 Mar 2010
110 Peer to Peer and the Music Industry: The Criminalization of Sharing Examining technical, legal and cultural strategies by the recording industry to persuade people that file-sharing is impossible, immoral, un-cool or dangerous, and the failure of these strategies. Alternative business models are discussed. Matthew David 08 Mar 2010
111 National Broadband Policies: Perspectives from the US and Britain Robert Hahn discusses his recent paper responding to the US Federal Communications Commission's request for guidance in designing a national US broadband plan. Robert Hahn 13 Nov 2009
112 Obama's First 100 Days Orla De Burca interviews Desmond King, Andrew Mellon Professor of American Government, on Barack Obama’s first 100 days as President; discussing Obama’s plans to recover America’s Economy and the success so far of his foreign and domestic plans. Desmond King, Orla De Burca 06 May 2009
113 RSC Astor Lecture : Obama's policy challenges and the future of US immigration This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's Astor Lecture which was on Thursday 5th March 2009 at Rewley House, University of Oxford. Dawn Chatty, Audrey Singer 10 Mar 2009