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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Optimising CAR-T cell sensitivity by engineering matched extracellular sizes between CAR/antigen and CD2/CD58 adhesion complexes Professor Omer Dusk discusses a bioRxiv pre-print: ‘Optimising CAR-T cell sensitivity by engineering matched extracellular sizes between CAR/antigen and CD2/CD58 adhesion complexes’. Omer Dushek, Paul Klenerman 09 Jan 2025
2 Christopher Paine Peggy Frith interviews Sir Christopher Paine, consultant clinical oncologist and former Director of Clinical Studies, 25 Jul 2012. Christopher Paine, Peggy Frith 14 Sep 2021
3 Creative Commons Effect of metformin on breast cancer metabolism Dr Simon Lord presents a clinical study to understand the effect of metformin - one of the most commonly prescribed treatments worldwide for diabetes - on breast cancer metabolism. Simon Lord 16 Jan 2019
4 Creative Commons Radiotherapy: What is it? How does it work? And how will it change? Radiotherapy has been going on since 1896, only months after the discovery of X-rays.  We will explore what it is, how it works, and examine the change from X-ray beams to particle guns. Martin Christlieb 11 Dec 2015
5 Mass spectrometry: how does it work, and why should you care? From cutting-edge cancer research to sustainable fish farming, Dr James McCullagh explains the importance of mass spectrometry. James McCullagh 19 Jun 2014
6 Epigenetics and New Anti-Cancer Treatments At the interface of chemistry, biology, and medicine, Cyrille Thinnes, a DPhil student in the Schofield Group, shares his research into the next generation of anti-cancer treatments. Cyrille Thinnes 19 Jul 2013