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All Jihad Is Local: the Micro-Politics of Militant Islamism in 1980s Lebanon and Beyond |
Dr Raphaël Lefèvre in conversation with Dr Neil Ketchley about his recent book, 'Jihad in the City: Militant Islamism and Contentious Politics in Tripoli' (Cambridge University Press, 2021). |
Raphael Lefevre, Neil Ketchley |
16 Mar 2022 |
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2022 New Year’s Episode |
The entire Almanac team gets together to discuss what they believe was the most important event in the region over the past year, something they are watching for in the region in 2022, and their favorite book on the Middle East. |
Piotr Schulkes, Guy Fiennes, Isabella Cibelli Du Terroil, Oliver Franks |
17 Jan 2022 |
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Iraq and Lebanon – Revolt Against Sectarianism? |
Maha Yahya (PhD, Director, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Centre) Maysoon Pachachi (Film director) give a talk for the Middle East Studies Centre. Chaired by Professor Eugene Rogan (St. Antony's College, Oxford). |
Maha Yahya, Maysoon Pachachi, Eugene Rogan |
23 Feb 2021 |
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History, politics, and Anecdotes with Eugene Rogan |
Piotr Schulkes and Eugene Rogan discuss the importance of history in contemporary Middle Eastern politics, how the West discusses the region, and a number of stories from Rogan’s time at Oxford. |
Piotr Schulkes, Eugene Rogan |
22 Feb 2021 |
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Lebanon’s Economic and political crisis |
Piotr Schulkes, Felix Walker, and Michael Memari cover the ongoing crises in Lebanon’s political and economic systems. |
Michael Memari, Felix Walker, Piotr Schulkes |
09 Feb 2021 |
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The Kafala System |
Hajar Meddah, Felix Walker and Piotr Schulkes discuss the Middle East’s controversial Kafala system, that allows employers to exploit workers and undermine their rights without breaking the law. |
Hajar Meddah, Felix Walker, Piotr Schulkes |
28 Sep 2020 |
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FMR 57 - When is return voluntary? Conditions of asylum in Lebanon |
The decision of Syrian refugees in Lebanon to return to Syria must not be based on a deteriorating quality of asylum that creates physical, social and material pressures on decisions to return. |
Amy Keith, Nour Shawaf |
27 Feb 2018 |
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FMR 52 - Palestinian professionals in Lebanon: an exception |
Palestine refugees in Lebanon, being classified as foreigners or migrants, suffer restrictions on their employment. |
Mahmoud Al-Ali |
13 Jul 2016 |
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FMR 52 General - Imprisonment and deportation of Iraqi refugees in Lebanon |
A non-signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, Lebanon does not grant refugee status to Iraqis, many of whom end up spending long periods of time in detention. |
Qusay Tariq Al-Zubaidi |
16 Jun 2016 |
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Activism and Accountability in Contemporary Lebanon: A Quiet Revolt? |
Seminar by Habib Battah (Research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism) at The Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, 10th February 2016. |
Habib Battah |
15 Feb 2016 |
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The Limits of Refusal: Israel, Lebanon, and the Shadow of 1982 |
Lecture given by Dr Seth Anziska (Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, UCL) at the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, 9th February 2016. This event was co-sponsored by the MEC and the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies. |
Seth Anziska |
10 Feb 2016 |
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The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Fighting Terrorism through the Rule of Law |
Guido Acquaviva, Senior Legal Officer (Chambers), gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series on 14th October 2015. |
Guido Acqauviva |
22 Oct 2015 |
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FMR 48 - Guided by humanitarian principles |
Caritas Luxembourg’s work with refugees, IDPs and migrants in Colombia, Lebanon and Luxembourg offers some examples of the ways in which a faith-based organisation may be advantaged or disadvantaged by its faith basis. |
Andreas Vogt, Sophie Colsell |
04 Jun 2015 |
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FMR 47 Mobility as a solution |
Not all those who have gone to Syria's neighbours are registered, nor do all of these people regard themselves as refugees |
Lucas Oesch |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 How the crisis is altering women’s roles in Syria |
The significance of women as both distributors and recipients has been pivotal to the implementation of humanitarian assistance but also points to the burgeoning of a new social dynamic that has come about as a result of the upheaval caused by the war. |
Zerene Haddad |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 The inside story: internal displacement in Syria |
With IDPs currently constituting two-thirds of those uprooted by the conflict, the ‘inside story’ of displacement in Syria requires much greater attention. |
Erin Mooney |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The mental health of Syrian refugee children and adolescents |
Mental health services can be key to restoring basic psychological functioning and to supporting resilience and positive coping strategies for children, adolescents and adults. |
Leah James, Annie Sovcik, Ferdinand Garoff, Reem Abbasi |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The vulnerability of Palestinian refugees from Syria |
While Syrian nationals may eventually return to their home country, the future for Palestinians from Syria is increasingly uncertain. Meanwhile they are more vulnerable, and treated worse, than most other refugees from the Syrian conflict. |
Leah Morrison |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 The impact of displacement on disabled, injured and older Syrian refugees |
In contexts of displacement it is critical to recognise that some groups in the population may require specific attention. Awareness of these needs has major consequences for the types of services required, and the way they are delivered. |
Marcus Skinner |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Gender, conscription and protection, and the war in Syria |
The struggles endured by men who remain inside Syria and the obstacles faced by others who choose to remove themselves from the fighting by fleeing the country demonstrate a need to redefine classic conceptions of vulnerability. |
Rochelle Davis, Abbie Taylor, Emma Murphy |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 If Israel accepted Syrian refugees and IDPs in the Golan Heights |
Could re-opening the Golan Heights to Syrians displaced by the conflict be a beneficial option for those fleeing the Syrian conflict and for Israel’s relations with its north-eastern neighbour? |
Crystal Plotner |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 For beneficiary-led protection programming in Jordan |
Despite the humanitarian community’s clear focus on addressing the protection concerns of displaced Syrians, in Jordan the beneficiaries of many protection programmes have had limited influence on the shape of the protection response to date. |
Sinead McGrath |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 A duty and a burden on Jordan |
It is important to Jordan both that it protects its national identity and maintains its cultural obligations, and that it faces up to its humanitarian obligations. |
Saleh Al-Kilani |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Protection challenges of mobility |
It is easy to say that people fleeing Syria should stay in camps or satellite cities but people move on for a variety of reasons, and programmes and services must adapt to assist them. |
Melissa Phillips, Kathrine Starup |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Refugee by association |
Many Syrians, even when they have not been individually singled out, meet the refugee criteria on the grounds of being at risk of persecution because of a perceived association, in the broadest sense, with one of the parties to the conflict. |
Blanche Tax |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Limited legal status for refugees from Syria in Lebanon |
Having limited legal status has direct negative consequences for Syrian refugees’ access to protection and assistance during their stay in Lebanon. Limited legal status also increases the risks of abuse and exploitation. |
Dalia Aranki, Olivia Kalis |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Coping strategies among self-settled Syrians in Lebanon |
Refugees in Lebanon prefer living outside camps, where they can influence their situation. |
Cathrine Thorleifsson |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 Refugee activists’ involvement in relief effort in Lebanon |
A cadre of educated middle-class Syrian refugees dedicated to improving conditions for Syrians at home and in Lebanon are building a civil society in exile but face obstacles to consolidating their presence and becoming more effective. |
Frances Topham Smallwood |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 The role of host communities in north Lebanon |
Research conducted in Akkar, north Lebanon, suggests that the role played by the host community demonstrates good local capacity which should be built on to encourage further civic engagement and empowerment. |
Helen Mackreath |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Syrians contributing to Kurdish economic growth |
The circumstances for both successful livelihoods programming for refugees and for contributing to the local economy are present in the Kurdish region of Iraq. |
Anubha Sood, Louisa Seferis |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 The refugee crisis in Lebanon and Jordan: the need for economic development spending |
The most effective way to tackle the Syrian refugee crisis is for neighbouring states to assume a leading role in development spending, infrastructure upgrading and job creation, particularly in the most underdeveloped regions of those countries. |
Omar Dahi |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Development and protection challenges of the Syrian refugee crisisf |
The Syria Regional Response Plan 6 (RRP6) 2014 provides an increased focus on early recovery, social cohesion interventions and a transition from assistance to development-led interventions, alongside the continuing large-scale humanitarian assistance. |
Roger Zetter, Heloise Ruaudel |
02 Dec 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 47 Foreword: the inheritance of loss |
As the civil war in Syria drags on, the scale of displacement continues to increase. While the crisis may be prolonged, refugees and IDPs need support now for their protection, their recovery, and both their immediate and their long-term prospects. |
Nigel Fisher |
02 Dec 2014 |
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FMR 47 From the Editors |
From the Editors |
Marion Couldrey, Maurice Herson |
02 Dec 2014 |
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A lost generation? Education opportunities for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon |
Special seminar by Dr Maha Shuayb (Centre for Lebanese Studies), which took place at the Oxford Department of International Development on 19 May 2014. |
Maha Shuayb |
11 Aug 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices: Panel 18 – Refugees from Syria |
RSC 2014 Conference: Refugee Voices. Lectures by Cathrine Thorleifsson; Dina Jane Kiwan; Ruba Al Akash and Karen Boswall; Veronica Ferreri. Recorded on 25 March 2014 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Cathrine Thorleifsson, Dina Jane Kiwan, Ruba Al Akash, Karen Boswall |
19 May 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
The Perception of Victory: Israel’s Recent Experiences of Winning and Losing the Narrative |
Tim Fawdry-Jeffries considers observer perceptions of the outcome of war, taking as examples the Second Lebanon and Gaza Wars. |
Tim Fawdry-Jeffries |
30 Apr 2014 |
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The sharia as a vocation: Islam, law and civility in Lebanon |
This discussion of sharia discourse in different contexts focuses on the experiences of four individuals. An anthropology departmental seminar by Morgan Clarke (ISCA, Oxford) |
Morgan Clarke |
28 Apr 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 45 Opportunity to change Lebanon’s asylum policy |
Lebanon’s attitude towards the ‘Syrian exception’ can be used as the starting point for its policy to come into line with international refugee and human rights norms, standards and protection. |
Samira Trad |
07 Apr 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 43 Crisis in Lebanon: camps for Syrian refugees? |
Lebanon has absorbed the enormous Syrian influx but at a high cost to both refugees and Lebanese populations. Current humanitarian programmes can no longer cope and new approaches are needed. |
Jeremy Loveless |
09 Aug 2013 |
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A People That Perseveres |
Psychological Analysis of Collective Amnesia in Lebanon and its Implications for Transistional Justice. |
Diane Batchelor |
02 Nov 2010 |