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Creative Commons |
Bargaining through Agents: Experimental Evidence from Mexico's Labour Courts |
Researchers discuss using field experiments with ongoing cases to analyse sources of dysfunction in Mexico's largest labour court. |
Joyce Sadka, Enrique Seira, Christopher Woodruff |
29 Jan 2025 |
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Creative Commons |
Iraq 2018-2019: The Rule of Law: a perspective |
The Rt Hon Sir Peter Gross (Formerly, Lead Judge for International Relations) shares his insight into the Judicial and Rule of Law developments in Iraq. |
Peter Gross, Michael Willis |
27 Jul 2023 |
3 |
Anat Scolnicov - The Israel Supreme Court Religion and the Relationship of State and Religion in Israel |
On judicial independence in Israel |
Anat Scolnicov |
23 Mar 2023 |
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Creative Commons |
A Weapon Is No Subordinate. Autonomous Weapons and the Scope of Superior Responsibility |
Dr. Alessandra Spadaro of Utrecht University outlines several challenges to the applicability of the doctrine of superior responsibility in the context of the use of autonomous weapons systems. |
Alessandra Spadaro |
24 Feb 2023 |
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Creative Commons |
One Hundred Years of International Administrative Law: Is the Employment Law at International Organizations Working? |
Peter Quayle argues employment law of international organizations tends towards incoherence, however, mapping international administrative law onto a larger framework of international organizations law can realize a more workable version of the law. |
Peter Quayle |
24 Feb 2023 |
6 |
Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea: Informal Lawmaking in Action? |
Natalie Klein, Professor at UNSW Sydney, presents on the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea, adopted in March 2022 as an initiative of UK charity Human Rights at Sea, and on the Declaration's lawmaking potential. |
Natalie Klein |
20 Jan 2023 |
7 |
Violent environments? Towards a political ecology of international law |
Dr Eliana Cusato, postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, presents an overview of the key arguments in her book, 'The Ecology of War and Peace: Marginalising Slow and Structural Violence in International Law'. |
Eliana Cusato |
20 Jan 2023 |
8 |
Creative Commons |
Climate Litigation in International Organs and Courts: The Torres Strait Islanders case |
Monica Feria-Tinta discusses a landmark 2022 decision of the UN Human Rights Committee which found that Australia failed to protect indigenous Torres Strait Islanders against adverse impacts of climate change, in breach of human rights law. |
Monica Feria-Tinta |
20 Jan 2023 |
9 |
Creative Commons |
Complicity in a War of Aggression |
Dr Nikola Hajdin outlines an analytical framework for criminal complicity in a war of aggression |
Nikola Hajdin |
20 Jan 2023 |
10 |
Seeking Supremacy: The Pursuit of Judicial Power in Pakistan |
Book Launch with Yasser Kureshi |
Yasser Kureshi |
20 Dec 2022 |
11 |
The Scottish Court of Session Project: Learning from Legal Archives with Jim Ambuske |
In this episode, Grace talks to Dr Jim Ambuske, digital historian in residence at the Washington Library in Mount Vernon, Virginia, about his extensive work in digital legal history. |
Grace Mallon, Jim Ambuske |
13 May 2022 |
12 |
Law of the Sea in the ‘Plasticene’ |
Professor Karen Scott of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, gives a presentation exploring the current regime complex for ocean plastics and considering how the law of the sea is likely to interact with a newly proposed plastics treaty. |
Karen N. Scott |
04 May 2022 |
13 |
Law |
Professor Mohammad Fadel speaking on ‘The Protean Sovereign of Sunni Law’ and Professor Lena Salaymeh speaking on ‘Reconsidering the Political in Premodern Islam.' |
Mohammad Fadel, Lena Salaymeh |
28 Apr 2022 |
14 |
Creative Commons |
Revisiting Sovereignty and Recognition of Oppressive Governments; A focus on Myanmar |
Professor Errol P. Mendes of the University of Ottawa gives a presentation calling for a revisiting of the origins of the concept of sovereignty in Public International Law. |
Errol P Mendes |
08 Apr 2022 |
15 |
Dr. Berthe Jansen, ‘The Role of Indic Mahāyāna Scriptures in Tibetan Legal Texts’ |
Reading Mahāyāna Scriptures Conference, Sept 25-26, 2021 |
Berthe Jansen |
29 Mar 2022 |
16 |
Authoritarian Constitutionalism with Paul Fisher |
Grace Mallon talks to Paul Fisher, a practising barrister and academic lawyer, about his research into constitutional law in post-Soviet non-democracies. |
Grace Mallon, Paul Fisher |
25 Mar 2022 |
17 |
Creative Commons |
‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown’: Recent developments regarding the immunities of heads of state and government |
Philippa Webb, Professor of Public International Law at King’s College London, gives a presentation on recent developments in English law in cases against current and former heads of state. |
Philippa Webb |
01 Mar 2022 |
18 |
Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters |
Nicolas Lamp, Queen’s University, Canada gives a presentation to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Nicolas Lamp |
24 Jan 2022 |
19 |
'The Function of Equity in International Law |
Professor Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. (4/11/2021) |
Catharine Titi |
17 Jan 2022 |
20 |
Tactical Admissions in International Litigation |
A presentation by Professor Stefan Talmon on Tactical Admissions in International Litigation, delivered to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Stefan Talmon |
17 Jan 2022 |
21 |
Post-Emancipation Legislation |
Race, Law and History, talk 3 |
Walton Brown |
13 Jan 2022 |
22 |
Reconstructing Reconstruction: Constitutionalism and the End of Slavery with Kiana McAllister and Erica Croft |
Grace Mallon talks to Kiana McAllister and Erica Croft about the work they're doing on the Reconstruction Amendments with Quill, and what this original research can tell us about these brief, but transformative items of American Constitutional law. |
Grace Mallon, Kiana McAllister, Erica Croft |
01 Nov 2021 |
23 |
Strasbourg on Compulsory Vaccination |
Professor Paul Gragl, European Law at the University of Graz, Austria, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Paul Gragl |
25 Oct 2021 |
24 |
Diversity Issues in International Legal Acadmia and Practice |
Julia Emtseva, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Julia Emtseva |
25 Oct 2021 |
25 |
Equal to Everything |
Baroness Hale, former President of the Supreme Court and Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College, Oxford discusses her life and legal career with Helen Mountfield QC, Principal of Mansfield. |
Baroness Hale, Helen Mountfield |
18 Oct 2021 |
26 |
Accident and Force: Making American Constitutions with Nicholas Cole |
Grace Mallon and Nicholas Cole discuss how a historian learns to code, where the idea of a Constitutional Convention came from, and what's next for the Quill Project. |
Grace Mallon, Nicholas Cole |
29 Sep 2021 |
27 |
International Law and the Practice of Legality: stability and change |
Professor Jutta Brunnée, University of Toronto, gives a talk for the seminar series on 6th May 2021. |
Jutta Brunnée |
29 Jul 2021 |
28 |
Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Diverging Jurisprudence at the ECtHR and the UN |
Dr Lea Raible University of Glasgow; 2020/21 re:constitution Fellow, gives a talk for the Public International Law discussion group on 20th May 2021. |
Lea Raible |
24 May 2021 |
29 |
The Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System: Standard-setting or International Law-making? |
Ignacio de Casas, Austral University, Argentina, gives a seminar for the PIL discussion group. |
Ignacio de Casas |
18 May 2021 |
30 |
Hart and Kelsen on International Law |
Professor David Dyzenhaus, University of Toronto, currently a Guggenheim Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at All Souls, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
David Dyzenhaus |
05 May 2021 |
31 |
Debating the Law, Creating Gender - MEC Women's Rights Research Seminars |
Professor Irene Schneider (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), gives a talk for the MEC Women's Rights Research Seminars. Chaired by Professor Marilyn Booth (Magdalen College, Oxford) |
Irene Schneider |
19 Apr 2021 |
32 |
How International is the International Court of Justice? |
Professor James T. Gathii, Wing-Tat Lee Chair in International Law and Professor of Law at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, gives a talk for the Oxford Public International Law seminar series. |
James T Gathii |
30 Mar 2021 |
33 |
The Laws of War in International Thought |
Professor Pablo Kalmanovitz, International Studies Division at CIDE, Mexico City, gives a talk for the Oxford PIL discussion group. |
Pablo Kalmanovitz |
29 Mar 2021 |
34 |
Invoking 'Transitional Justice' without a Transition: Reflections on Sri Lanka's Transitional Justice Programme, 2015-2019 |
Kumaravadivel Guruparan gives a talk as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Kumaravadivel Guruparan |
18 Mar 2021 |
35 |
Kashmir and the State of Exception |
Habeel Iqbal gives a talk as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Habeel Iqbal |
18 Mar 2021 |
36 |
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan: National Mechanisms, Positive Complementarity and Command Responsibility |
Douglas Guilfoyle gives a talk as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Douglas Guilfoyle |
18 Mar 2021 |
37 |
Finding Today’s Slaves: Lessons Learned From Over A Decade of Measurement in Modern Slavery |
Professor Davina Durgana, award-winning international human rights statistician and professor with almost 15 years of experience developing leading global models to assess risk to modern slavery, gives a talk on their work on modern slavery. |
Davina Durgana |
01 Mar 2021 |
38 |
The Recognition of a Right to be Rescued at Sea |
Professor Seline Trevisanut, Utrecht University, gives a talk for the Public International Law discussion group series. |
Seline Trevisanut |
26 Feb 2021 |
39 |
Two Visions of the International Rule of Law |
Professor Monica Hakimi, University of Michigan, gives a talk for the PIL discussion series. |
Monica Hakimi |
22 Feb 2021 |
40 |
The War Lawyers: The United States, Israel and Juridical Warfare |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Craig Jones |
19 Feb 2021 |
41 |
Climate Change and Human Rights Litigation: A Proposed New Line of Argument |
Professor Martin Scheinin, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, gives a talk for the Public International Law series. |
Martin Scheinin |
19 Feb 2021 |
42 |
The Justice of Visual Art - Creative State-Building in Times of Transition |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. Art is a radical form of political participation in times of transition. |
Eliza Garnsey |
18 Feb 2021 |
43 |
Dangerous proportions: Means and Ends in Non-Finite War |
Professor Nehal Bhuta, University of Edinburgh and Dr Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi, University of Amsterdam, give a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Nehal Bhuta, Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi |
17 Feb 2021 |
44 |
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law - and Beyond |
Carola Lingaas, VID Specialised University, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Carola Lingaas |
17 Feb 2021 |
45 |
Creative Commons |
More than a Morbid Quest: obituaries and mapping the invisible college of international lawyers |
Luíza Leão Soares Pereira, Lecturer in International Law at the University of Sheffield, and Doctoral Candidate at the University of Cambridge, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Luíza Leão Soares Pereira |
05 Feb 2021 |
46 |
Political Crimes and Amnesties: Scope and Limitations to Transitions to Democracy |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Renata Barbosa |
26 Jan 2021 |
47 |
Binding and Non-binding International Agreements (as explored by the OAS Juridical Committee) |
Professor Duncan Hollis, Temple University, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series on 21st January 2021. |
Duncan Hollis |
25 Jan 2021 |
48 |
Refugee Studies Centre: Book launch - Palestinian Refugees in International Law |
Book launch for the new book Palestinian Refugees in International Law by Lex Takkenberg and Francesca Albanese. |
Lex Takkenberg, Francesca Albanese |
02 Apr 2020 |
49 |
The Effect of jus cogens and the Individuation of Norms |
International law ascribes to the conferral of a jus cogens status on a norm a particular legal significance. |
Ulf Linderfalk |
06 Mar 2020 |
50 |
Creative Commons |
A Forum for Reason: Reflections on the Role of South Africa’s Constitutional Court |
Prof Kate O'Regan, Director, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and a former judge of the South African Constitutional Court, gives a talk for the Africa Oxford Initiative. |
Kate O'Regan |
10 Feb 2020 |
51 |
British politics after Brexit: reflections on the last three years and the next fifty |
Lord Sumption will discuss the impact on our constitution and political system of the referendum of 2016 and its aftermath. |
Lord Sumption |
07 Feb 2020 |
52 |
Justice and Islamic Law: Mazalim Courts and Legal Reform |
Professor Jonathan Brown, Georgetown University, gives a talk for the Middle East seminar series. Chaired by Dr Usaama al-Azami (St Antony's College). |
Jonathan Brown, Usaama al-Azami |
29 Jan 2020 |
53 |
Creative Commons |
Rights-based approaches to the regulation of food marketing |
A UBVO seminar presented by Amandine Garde (Professor of Law, University of Liverpool) on 16 May 2019 |
Amandine Garde |
20 Jan 2020 |
54 |
UK Supreme Court: R (Privacy International) v Investigatory Powers Tribunal [2019] UKSC 22 |
Session 3 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Nick Barber, Richard Ekins, Jeff King, Helen Mountfield |
20 Dec 2019 |
55 |
Kenyan Supreme Court: Raila Odinga and Another v IEBC and Others, 2017 |
Session 2 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Anne Makena, John Ambani, Nic Cheeseman, Luis Franceschi |
20 Dec 2019 |
56 |
International Criminal Court: Appeal against the decision under article 87(7)of the Rome Statute on the non-compliance by Jordan with the request by the Court for the arrest and surrender of Omar Al-Bashir (ICC- 02/05-01/09 OA2) 6 May 2019 |
Session 1 of the Law and Politics in Three Courts conference Friday 8th November 2019 |
Catherine O’Regan, Dapo Akande, Evelyne Asaala, Dire Tladi |
20 Dec 2019 |
57 |
How effective can litigation be in foreseeing and preventing human rights abuse? |
Alejandra Ancheita delivers the keynote address at the Justice for Transnational Human Violations - At the Crossroads of Litigation, Policy and Scholarship Conference June 2019 |
Alejandra Ancheita |
20 Dec 2019 |
58 |
Climate change - who should we sue? |
In this episode of Futuremakers, we’re asking what does a rise in litigious climate action mean for society as we race to meet climate targets? |
Peter Millican, Fredi Otto, Liz Fisher, Myles Allen |
13 Dec 2019 |
59 |
1g. Ethics and AI at the Oxford Big Data Institute |
Gil McVean, Big Data Institute, gives the seventh talk in the first Ethics in AI seminar, held on November 11th 2019. |
Gil McVean |
11 Nov 2019 |
60 |
1f. Re-uniting ethics and the law for AI |
Brent Mittelstadt, Oxford Internet Institute, gives the sixth talk in the first Ethics in AI seminar, held on November 11th 2019. |
Brent Mittelstadt |
11 Nov 2019 |
61 |
1e. When AI disrupts the law |
Sandra Wachter, Oxford Internet Institute, gives the fifth talk in the first Ethics in AI seminar, held on November 11th 2019. |
Sandra Wachter |
11 Nov 2019 |
62 |
Creative Commons |
Richard Reid |
Richard Reid, historian of Africa, in conversation with Stanley Ulijaszek. |
Richard Reid, Stanley Ulijaszek |
16 Oct 2019 |
63 |
Creative Commons |
Responses to the Government White Paper on Online Harms and the ‘right to be forgotten’ |
LSE media expert and government adviser Damian Tambini and Roxana Radu from Oxford Law Faculty respond to the UK government’s White Paper on Online Harms and assess the implications of the new rights of the digital age such as the ‘right to be forgotten’. |
Damian Tambini, Roxana Radu |
03 Jul 2019 |
64 |
Governance of Public Opinion in the Age of Platforms: A Study of China |
Jufang Wang, former news editor in China, and Ralph Schroeder of the Oxford Internet Institute, assess the Communist Party’s efforts to control public opinion in China by regulation of social media platforms and the controversial ‘social credit system’. |
Jufang Wang, Ralph Schroeder |
03 Jul 2019 |
65 |
Creative Commons |
Current Challenges to International Justice: Lean in or Leave? |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Laila Sadat |
25 Jun 2019 |
66 |
Book Launch: The Trial of the Kaiser |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
William Schabas |
25 Jun 2019 |
67 |
Creative Commons |
Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective: Book Launch of 'Justice framed: A Genealogy of Transitional Justice' |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Marcos Zunino |
25 Jun 2019 |
68 |
Creative Commons |
Un-Becoming a Victim: Between Historic Reminder and Hallucination, Geographical Document and Childhood Memory, Collective Tragedy and Personal Healing |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Sasa Rajsic |
25 Jun 2019 |
69 |
Creative Commons |
Prospects for Meaningful Accountability for Rights Violations in Sri Lanka |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Kiran Grewal, Farzana Haniffa, Gehan Gunatilleke, Dharsha Jegatheswaran |
25 Jun 2019 |
70 |
Creative Commons |
Witness Testimony and the Negotiation of 'Culture' at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Nigel Eltringham |
25 Jun 2019 |
71 |
Creative Commons |
The Journalist Perspective: Low Expectations and Promising Trends in Transitional Justice |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Thierry Cruvellier |
25 Jun 2019 |
72 |
Creative Commons |
Book Launch 'When Political Transitions Work: Reconciliation as Interdependence' |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Fanie du Toit, Kate O'Regan |
25 Jun 2019 |
73 |
Colombian Outcast Youths and the Broken Promises of Transformative Justice |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Elena Butti |
25 Jun 2019 |
74 |
Creative Commons |
The Arrest of a Head of State Pursuant to an ICC Warrant. The Al-Bashir Case |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Flavia Lattanzi |
25 Jun 2019 |
75 |
Creative Commons |
The ICC Rohingya Case: Radical or Routine? |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Payam Akhavan |
25 Jun 2019 |
76 |
Lecture and Book Launch- The politics of family law reform in Jordan and Morocco: Two seemingly similar monarchies, two different approaches |
Dr Dorthe Engelcke (Max Planck Institute, Hamburg) gives a discussion Chair: Dr Michael Willis (St Antony's College). |
Dörthe Engelcke |
14 Jun 2019 |
77 |
Creative Commons |
Lincoln Leads in Law 2018 |
What are the limits of the law? |
Barbara Havelkova, Shabana Mahmood, Lukas Wagner, Paul Stephens |
09 Apr 2019 |
78 |
Northern Borders: Addressing Immigration Detention, Deportation, and Degradation in Scandinavia and the UK |
Annika Lindberg Shahram Khosravi and Victoria Canning give a talk for the Border Criminologies series on 22nd January 2019. |
Annika Lindberg, Shahram Khosravi, Victoria Canning |
12 Feb 2019 |
79 |
The Death of the ICC? The Politics of International Criminal Justice in Africa |
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is struggling at every level of its operations in Africa - in terms of its investigations, prosecutions, and relations with domestic governments, judiciaries and affected communities. |
Phil Clark, Payam Akhavan |
15 Jan 2019 |
80 |
The Legality of Rebel Courts during Non-International Armed Conflicts |
Rebel courts are often justified by rebels in the interest of securing law and order, states’ perceptions are more negative, especially the territorial state concerned. |
Mark Klamberg |
15 Jan 2019 |
81 |
Reparation for Victims of Mass Atrocities: Reflections on Key Challenges |
While there is broad consensus that victims of mass atrocities have a right to reparation for harm suffered, the effective implementation of that right is a promise as yet largely unfulfilled. |
Clara Sandoval |
15 Jan 2019 |
82 |
Season Finale: AI selection box |
In the final episode of our series, we’re looking back at the themes we’ve discussed so far, and forward into the likely development of AI. |
Gil McVean, Sandra Wachter, Nigel Shadbolt, Peter Millican |
08 Jan 2019 |
83 |
Criminology at the periphery: understanding police work in the remote Northern islands of Scotland |
Dr Anna Souhami, Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh School of Law, gives a talk for the Criminology seminar series on 11th October 2018. |
Anna Souhami |
24 Oct 2018 |
84 |
Is the banking sector about to change for ever? |
AI is already playing a role in the finance sector, from fraud detection, to algorithmic trading, to customer service, and many within the industry believe this role will develop rapidly within the next few years. |
Peter Millican, Stephen Roberts, Nir Vulkan, Jannes Klaas |
22 Oct 2018 |
85 |
Are all algorithms biased? |
Our lives are increasingly shaped by automated decision-making algorithms, but do those have in-built biases? If so, do we need to tackle these, and what could happen if we don't? |
Peter Millican, Sandra Wachter, Helena Webb, Brent Mittelstadt |
22 Oct 2018 |
86 |
Creative Commons |
Law and Gender-Based Violence in Transitioning Myanmar |
Htar Htar speaks at the 'Gender, Rights and Justice in a Transitioning Myanmar' conference on 13 November 2017. |
Htar Htar |
04 Jul 2018 |
87 |
Public trust and police legitimacy: Diversity and complexity in the 'global city' |
Prof. Ben Bradford, University College London |
Ben Bradford |
15 Jun 2018 |
88 |
Genocide on Trial. Witnessing and Evidence at Rwanda's Gacaca Courts and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
Julia Viebach investigates the everyday of witnessing at Rwanda’s Gacaca courts and contrasts its findings with the process of witnessing at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). |
Julia Viebach |
22 May 2018 |
89 |
Voice, Agency and Responsibility: Victimhood and Transitional Justice in Northern Ireland |
Dr. Cheryl Lawther explore the construction and meaning of victimhood in post-conflict Northern Ireland. |
Cheryl Lawther |
22 May 2018 |
90 |
European Union and Democratisation: Backsliding in Tow of Unsuccessful Conditionality? |
Dr Katarína Sipulova gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series. |
Katarína Šipulová |
22 May 2018 |
91 |
Book Colloquium; Chocolate, Politics and Peace-Building: An Ethnography of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, Colombia |
Gwen Burnyeat discusses her book: 'Chocolate, Politics and Peace-Building: An Ethnography of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó, Colombia' with Laura Rival. |
Gwen Burnyeat, Laura Rival |
21 May 2018 |
92 |
Creative Commons |
Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order: Walling the Welfare State |
All Souls Seminar, Centre for Criminology, Univeristy of Oxford, 18th January 2018. |
Vanessa Barker |
31 Jan 2018 |
93 |
Lincoln Leads in Law |
This week, our 'Lincoln Leads' panellists discuss whether or not misogyny should be crime. |
Barbara Havelkova, Zoe Williams, Patricia Jimenez Kwast, Heather Mann |
09 Jan 2018 |
94 |
Oxford Annual Global Justice Lecture 2017 - Reflections on Peace and Justice in the 21st Century: A perspective from the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court |
The 2017 lecture, delivered by Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court at 5.00pm on Thursday 12 Oct 2017. |
Fatou Bensouda |
20 Oct 2017 |
95 |
Creative Commons |
Nuremberg Was Not the First International Criminal Tribunal - by a Long Shot |
Ziv Bohrer, Assistant Professor at Bar-Ilan University, gives a talk for the OTJR Seminar Series on the pre-WWII history of international criminal law. |
Ziv Bohrer |
11 Oct 2017 |
96 |
Representing the Muslim in America |
Linda Moreno gives a talk for the Mansfield College seminar series. |
Linda Moreno |
14 Jul 2017 |
97 |
Adventures in Field-Building: On the History of Area Studies/Middle East Studies in the United States |
Zachary Lockman has taught modern Middle Eastern history at New York University since 1995. His most recent book is Field Notes: The Making of Middle East Studies in the United States (2016). |
Zachary Lockman |
11 Jul 2017 |
98 |
Bridging the Research-Practice Gap: Applied Transitional Justice Research |
Pablo de Greiff, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence, gives a talk for the OTJR 10th Anniversary Event. |
Pablo de Greiff |
30 Jun 2017 |
99 |
Authority, Expertise and Race in the South African TRC |
Deborah Posel, Professor of Sociology at UCT, gives a talk for the OTJR Seminar Series. |
Deborah Posel |
30 Jun 2017 |
100 |
Reverse Transitions, Squeezed Civic Space and Human Rights |
Antoine Buyse, Director of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, gives a talk for the OTJR Seminar Series. |
Antoine Buyse |
30 Jun 2017 |