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Emotions in international food law |
Anne Saab, associate professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute looks at how feelings such as fear and anxiety might influence food safety regulations. |
Anne Saab |
30 Apr 2024 |
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A Weapon Is No Subordinate. Autonomous Weapons and the Scope of Superior Responsibility |
Dr. Alessandra Spadaro of Utrecht University outlines several challenges to the applicability of the doctrine of superior responsibility in the context of the use of autonomous weapons systems. |
Alessandra Spadaro |
24 Feb 2023 |
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One Hundred Years of International Administrative Law: Is the Employment Law at International Organizations Working? |
Peter Quayle argues employment law of international organizations tends towards incoherence, however, mapping international administrative law onto a larger framework of international organizations law can realize a more workable version of the law. |
Peter Quayle |
24 Feb 2023 |
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Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea: Informal Lawmaking in Action? |
Natalie Klein, Professor at UNSW Sydney, presents on the Geneva Declaration on Human Rights at Sea, adopted in March 2022 as an initiative of UK charity Human Rights at Sea, and on the Declaration's lawmaking potential. |
Natalie Klein |
20 Jan 2023 |
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Violent environments? Towards a political ecology of international law |
Dr Eliana Cusato, postdoctoral fellow at the Amsterdam Center for International Law, presents an overview of the key arguments in her book, 'The Ecology of War and Peace: Marginalising Slow and Structural Violence in International Law'. |
Eliana Cusato |
20 Jan 2023 |
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Climate Litigation in International Organs and Courts: The Torres Strait Islanders case |
Monica Feria-Tinta discusses a landmark 2022 decision of the UN Human Rights Committee which found that Australia failed to protect indigenous Torres Strait Islanders against adverse impacts of climate change, in breach of human rights law. |
Monica Feria-Tinta |
20 Jan 2023 |
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Complicity in a War of Aggression |
Dr Nikola Hajdin outlines an analytical framework for criminal complicity in a war of aggression |
Nikola Hajdin |
20 Jan 2023 |
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International Law, Politics and Ethics of Humanitarian Military Intervention |
Dr Iacovos Kareklas, Visiting Fellow at the Changing Character of War Centre (CCW), presents a strongly argued thesis that there is a legal and moral right to unilateral humanitarian intervention which dates back to the Peloponnesian War. |
Iacovos Kareklas |
17 May 2022 |
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Law of the Sea in the ‘Plasticene’ |
Professor Karen Scott of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, gives a presentation exploring the current regime complex for ocean plastics and considering how the law of the sea is likely to interact with a newly proposed plastics treaty. |
Karen N. Scott |
04 May 2022 |
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Revisiting Sovereignty and Recognition of Oppressive Governments; A focus on Myanmar |
Professor Errol P. Mendes of the University of Ottawa gives a presentation calling for a revisiting of the origins of the concept of sovereignty in Public International Law. |
Errol P Mendes |
08 Apr 2022 |
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‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown’: Recent developments regarding the immunities of heads of state and government |
Philippa Webb, Professor of Public International Law at King’s College London, gives a presentation on recent developments in English law in cases against current and former heads of state. |
Philippa Webb |
01 Mar 2022 |
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Creative Commons |
State Consent between Regionalism and Universalism: Particular Customary International Law before the International Court of Justice |
Freya Baetens, Professor of Public International Law at Oslo University, gives a presentation on how the International Court of Justice has addressed claims based on ‘regional’ customary international law. |
Freya Baetens |
01 Mar 2022 |
13 |
Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters |
Nicolas Lamp, Queen’s University, Canada gives a presentation to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Nicolas Lamp |
24 Jan 2022 |
14 |
'The Function of Equity in International Law |
Professor Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)-CERSA, University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. (4/11/2021) |
Catharine Titi |
17 Jan 2022 |
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Tactical Admissions in International Litigation |
A presentation by Professor Stefan Talmon on Tactical Admissions in International Litigation, delivered to the Public International Law Discussion Group. |
Stefan Talmon |
17 Jan 2022 |
16 |
Diversity Issues in International Legal Acadmia and Practice |
Julia Emtseva, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
Julia Emtseva |
25 Oct 2021 |
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International Law and the Practice of Legality: stability and change |
Professor Jutta Brunnée, University of Toronto, gives a talk for the seminar series on 6th May 2021. |
Jutta Brunnée |
29 Jul 2021 |
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Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Diverging Jurisprudence at the ECtHR and the UN |
Dr Lea Raible University of Glasgow; 2020/21 re:constitution Fellow, gives a talk for the Public International Law discussion group on 20th May 2021. |
Lea Raible |
24 May 2021 |
19 |
Hart and Kelsen on International Law |
Professor David Dyzenhaus, University of Toronto, currently a Guggenheim Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at All Souls, gives a talk for the Public International Law seminar series. |
David Dyzenhaus |
05 May 2021 |
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Two Visions of the International Rule of Law |
Professor Monica Hakimi, University of Michigan, gives a talk for the PIL discussion series. |
Monica Hakimi |
22 Feb 2021 |
21 |
Refugee Studies Centre: Book launch - Palestinian Refugees in International Law |
Book launch for the new book Palestinian Refugees in International Law by Lex Takkenberg and Francesca Albanese. |
Lex Takkenberg, Francesca Albanese |
02 Apr 2020 |
22 |
Creative Commons |
Witness Testimony and the Negotiation of 'Culture' at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Nigel Eltringham |
25 Jun 2019 |
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Creative Commons |
The Arrest of a Head of State Pursuant to an ICC Warrant. The Al-Bashir Case |
This talk was given as part of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series. |
Flavia Lattanzi |
25 Jun 2019 |
24 |
Global Legal Epidemiology: Developing a Science Around Whether, When and How International Law Can Address Global Challenges |
Professor Steven Hoffman discusses legal mechanisms available for coordinating international responses to transnational problems, their prospects, and their challenges. |
Steven J Hoffman |
23 Oct 2018 |
25 |
Draft Principles on Shared Responsibility |
A presentation of the new principles of shared responsibility in international law |
Ilias Plakokefalos, Jean D'Aspremont |
06 Mar 2018 |
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Creative Commons |
FMR 49 - Refugees, climate change and international law |
How can the category of ‘climate refugee’ be considered within international law in the 21st century? |
María José Fernández |
18 Jun 2015 |
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The Crime of Aggression |
Don Ferencz, Visiting Professor, Middlesex University and Convenor of the Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression - 12 March 2015 |
Don Ferencz |
05 May 2015 |
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Creative Commons |
Knowing what we know now. International crimes in historical perspective |
Prof Willem De Haan, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Universtiy of Amsterdam - 15 October 2014 |
Willem De Haan |
16 Dec 2014 |
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Arbitrary Detention in International Law |
Professor Mads Andenas , University of Oslo - 15 May 2014 |
Mads Andenas |
11 Dec 2014 |
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The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights |
Karen Alter (Northwestern University) discusses her new book 'The New Terrain of International Law: Courts, Politics, Rights'. |
Karen Alter, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
11 Jun 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
The law and politics of non-entrée |
Seminar given on 4th June 2014 by Dr Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (The Danish Institute for Human Rights), part of the Trinity term 2014 Public Seminar Series |
Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen |
11 Jun 2014 |
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Arbitrary detention of asylum seekers: a comparison of some recent practice from Italy and the UK |
Public Seminar Series Trinity term 2014. Dr Daniel Wilsher (City University London) & Francesca Cancellaro (Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna). Recorded on 28 May 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford |
Daniel Wilsher, Francesca Cancellaro |
02 Jun 2014 |
33 |
Creative Commons |
FMR 45 Disaster Law |
The impetus for new disaster response laws lies in the gaps that exist in the scope and geographic coverage of existing international law. |
Stefanie Haumer |
07 Apr 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
The child in international refugee law |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2014. Seminar by Jason Pobjoy (Blackstone Chambers) recorded on 5 February 2014 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Jason Pobjoy |
13 Feb 2014 |
35 |
International Law and the Emergence of Mercantile Capitalism: Grotius to Smith |
Professor M Koskenniemi, University of Helsinki |
M Koskenniemi |
11 Feb 2014 |
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International law and foreign policy: some practical questions |
Mr Qudsi Rasheed, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) |
Qudsi Rasheed |
05 Feb 2014 |
37 |
Democratic Statehood in International Law |
Dr Jure Vidmar, University of Oxford - 2 May 2013. |
Jure Vidmar |
18 Jul 2013 |
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Investigating the effectiveness of international law in war |
A discussion of the influence of international law on the rules of engagement in war and other armed conflicts. |
Janina Dill |
10 Apr 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Protection |
Public Seminar Series, Hilary term 2013. Seminar by Professor Bridget Anderson (University of Oxford) recorded on 21 November 2012 at the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Guy S. Goodwin-Gill |
17 Jan 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
Fullbright Lecture 2012: When can international intervention be justified and effective? |
The doctrine of the international community's responsibility to protect the citizens of a country whose government has failed them has strengthened the presumption in favour of international intervention for humanitarian reasons. |
Sir John Holmes |
05 Dec 2012 |
41 |
Iran's Nuclear Programme and International Law |
Professor Daniel Joyner (University of Alabama School of Law) gievs a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 6th March 2012. Introduced by Professor Dapo Akande. |
Daniel Joyner |
07 Mar 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Civilising Interventions? Race, War and International Law |
Rob Knox, PhD candidate in Law at the London School of Economics, gives a talk on 9th Feb 2012 for the Historical Materialism and International Relations seminar series. |
Rob Knox |
23 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
The Politics of International Criminal Law |
Courtenay Griffiths, Queen's Counsel (Joint-head of Garden Court Chambers), Defence Lawyer for Charles Taylor, gives a talk for the OTJR seminar series. |
Courtenay Griffiths |
25 Oct 2011 |
44 |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: International Law and Statelessness in the 21st Century |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's second Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Laura van Waas |
22 Oct 2011 |
45 |
Creative Commons |
Human rights and the Elusive Universal Subject: Detention of Asylum Seekers and Irregular Entrants under IHRL and EU Law |
Cathryn Costello, Fellow and Tutor in EU and Public Law gives a talk for the Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Immigration Detention. |
Cathryn Costello |
12 Jul 2010 |