1 |
Kafka and Race |
The transformation that takes place in "The Metamorphosis" has been referenced in any number of recent works by writers that explore issues of race, otherness and power. |
Kirstin Gwyer, Karen Leeder |
03 Jun 2024 |
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Essai, roman, film: réflexion sur les métamorphoses de l'écriture |
Dr Chantal Thomas delivers the 2019 Zaharoff lecture (in french) |
Chantal Thomas |
02 Dec 2019 |
3 |
Royal Bank of Canada Foundation Lecture: Reading French in 15th-century England |
Julia Mattison (RBC Foundation-Bodleian Visiting Fellow at the Bodleian Libraries until 19 December 2018) gives a lecture on reading french in 15th century english. |
Julia Mattison |
03 Dec 2018 |
4 |
A Genre in Crisis: The Novel in 1940s France |
Professor Ann Jefferson discusses the French novel. |
Ann Jefferson |
17 May 2017 |
5 |
Les Liaisons dangereuses in 5x5 - Into C21 |
A conversation about sequels to and e-book and twitter versions of Laclos' Les Liaisons dangereuses. |
Catriona Seth, Philippa Stockley, Marc Olivier |
29 Sep 2016 |
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Les Liaisons dangereuses in 5x5 - In Performance |
A reading of Les Liaisons dangereuses (Lettres XLVII & XLVIII) and discussion of the art of deception (in French). |
Catriona Seth, Philippe Roussin |
27 Sep 2016 |
7 |
Creative Commons |
03 Lire Sade avec Rousseau |
This lecture is in French. Third lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Mladen Kozul |
24 Jul 2013 |
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09 Le paradigme homosexuel chez Sade |
This lecture is in French. Ninth and final part of the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Jean-Christophe Abramovici |
22 Jul 2013 |
9 |
Creative Commons |
08 Obscenity off the Scene: Sade's La Philosophie dans le Boudoir |
This lecture is in English. Eighth lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
John Phillips |
22 Jul 2013 |
10 |
Creative Commons |
07 Sade, homme de lettres |
This lecture is in French. Seventh lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Stéphanie Genand |
22 Jul 2013 |
11 |
Creative Commons |
06 Sade, nouvelle classique 'British' |
This lecture in French. Sixth lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Thomas Wynn |
22 Jul 2013 |
12 |
05 Le libertinage du lecteur. La question de l'identification chez Sade |
This lecture is in French. Fifth lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Manuel Mühlbacher |
22 Jul 2013 |
13 |
04 Sade subversif et immoral? Le préjugé de l'intentionnalité |
This lecture is in French. Fourth lecture in the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Michèle Vallenthini |
22 Jul 2013 |
14 |
02 Le personnage sadien: de l'histoire naturelle à la fiction romanesque |
This lecture is in French. Second lecture of the Sade, l'inconnu? Nouvelles approaches critiques conference. |
Alexandre Wenger |
22 Jul 2013 |