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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The Hubble Tension Professor Prateek Agrawal discusses the ongoing crisis in cosmology regarding the measurement of the Hubble parameter by two separate probes in this Morning of Theoretical Physics talk from 9th November, 2024 Prateek Agrawal 15 Nov 2024
2 Cosmic Rays / Dark Matter Professor Jocelyn Monroe (Particle Physics, University of Oxford) discusses cosmic rays, dark matter, and the work of Don Perkins, focusing on the tools of particle astrophysics. Jocelyn Monroe 26 Jul 2024
3 Inflation and the Very Early Universe Inflation and the Very Early Universe - Georges Obied Georges Obied 03 Mar 2023
4 The Role of Gas in Galaxy Evolution Professor Jacqueline van Gorkom delivers the 18th Hintze Lecture. Jacqueline van Gorkom 03 Jun 2019
5 The oldest light in the Universe In this short stargazing talk, Luke Jew looks at the topic - The oldest light in the Universe. Luke Jew 05 Apr 2019
6 The brief history of the Universe Sergio Martin describes the evolution of the Universe. Sergio Martin 22 Mar 2019
7 Roger Penrose in conversation with Hannah Fry - Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures In our Oxford Mathematics London Public Lecture Roger Penrose in conversation with Hannah Fry reveals his latest research, a veritable chain reaction of universes, which he says has been backed by evidence of events that took place before the Big Bang. Roger Penrose, Hannah Fry 06 Nov 2018
8 Stability and Probability Erik Curiel and Simon Friederich discuss how reasoning in cosmology sometimes conflates topological stability with probability, and why that might be wrong. Simon Friederich, Erik Curiel 24 Apr 2018
9 On the origin and nature of values One of the world's leading theorist in Cosmology, Professor Ellis delivers the 2017 Tanner Lecture on Human Values George Ellis 08 Jun 2017
10 From Materials to Cosmology: Studying the early universe under the microscope Physics Colloquium 27 January 2017 delivered by Professor Nicola Spaldin, ETH Zurich Nicola Spaldin 05 Apr 2017
11 The New Era in Observational Cosmology In the fourth part of their discussion, Pedro Ferreira and Jerome Martin conjecture about the future of inflation. They talk about the potential for new evidence for and against the theory, and the variety of new probes into our cosmological environment. Pedro Ferreira, Jerome Martin 04 Apr 2017
12 When is a theory good enough? In the third part of their discussion, Pedro Ferreira and Jerome Martin talk about whether one should look for a deeper physical theory when one’s current theory is well-supported by observation. Pedro Ferreira, Jerome Martin 04 Apr 2017
13 Can we measure naturalness? In the second part of their discussion, Pedro Ferreira and Jerome Martin consider ways to build the naturalness of an inflationary model into our expectations for observing it. Pedro Ferreira, Jerome Martin 04 Apr 2017
14 An Encyclopedia of Inflation In the first part of their discussion, Pedro Ferreira and Jerome Martin talk about the variety of inflationary models. They discuss methods for distinguishing between them based on evidence and describe the application of Bayesian statistics to inflation. Pedro Ferreira, Jerome Martin 04 Apr 2017
15 Inflation in the Future What should we expect to learn in the future? In the fourth part of their chat, Dave Sloan and Robert Brandenberger talk about how we expect inflationary theory to develop, and how observations may lead to new physics in this area. David Sloan, Robert Brandenberger 04 Apr 2017
16 Strings, Inflation, and Alternatives In the third part of their discussion, Dave Sloan and Robert Brandenberger explain the relationship between string theory and inflationary models. Can inflation arise from particle physics, or do we need to look for alternative models? David Sloan, Robert Brandenberger 04 Apr 2017
17 Inflation Predicts In the second part of their discussion, Dave Sloan and Robert Brandenberger tell us what inflation predicts and whether inflation itself seems fine-tuned. This discussion was conducted at the University of Oxford on March 14, 2017. David Sloan, Robert Brandenberger 04 Apr 2017
18 Panel on Inflation Professor Joe Silk talks with Professor Robert Brandenberger, Professor Jerome Martin, and Dr. Dave Sloan about the current state of research and controversies surrounding inflation. Joe Silk, Robert Brandenberger, Jerome Martin, David Sloan 04 Apr 2017
19 Does Inflationary Cosmology Solve Fine-Tuning Problems? Professor Robert Brandenberger (McGill) argues that inflationary models still face considerable challenges. Robert Brandenberger 04 Apr 2017
20 Inflationary Attractors Dr David Sloan (Oxford) discusses the for inflation to occur given typical initial conditions. He argues that, on the right understanding of the background dynamics of the universe, inflationary conditions dominate. David Sloan 04 Apr 2017
21 Inflation After Planck Professor Jerome Martin (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris) explains the current state of evidence for inflationary models. Jerome Martin 04 Apr 2017
22 The Observer Strikes Back What is an observer? In the fifth and final part of their discussion, Jim Hartle and Bernard Carr discuss the nature of observers. Jim Hartle, Bernard Carr 06 Dec 2016
23 No Boundaries for Quantum Cosmology Where is the observer in the universe? In the fourth part of their discussion, Jim Hartle and Bernard Carr discuss Jim Hartle’s no-boundary proposal. Bernard Carr, Jim Hartle 06 Dec 2016
24 Physics and Philosophy What are the limits of physics? In the third part of their discussion, Bernard Carr and Jim Hartle talk about the point at which physics ends and philosophy begins. Bernard Carr, Jim Hartle 06 Dec 2016
25 The Quantum and Cosmological Scales How do we combine our theory of the very small with our theory of the largest scales of the universe? In the second part of their discussion, Jim Hartle and Bernard Carr hash out the connections between cosmology and quantum mechanics. Jim Hartle, Bernard Carr 06 Dec 2016
26 New Frontiers in Cosmology In the fourth part of their discussion, Joe Silk and John Peacock conjecture about future developments in cosmology. What part of cosmology is most likely to be fruitful? This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on May 12, 2016. John Peacock, Joe Silk 13 Jul 2016
27 New Data and New Work In the second part of their discussion, Joe Silk and John Peacock discuss possible future sources of data and developments in cosmology. They conjecture about the search for dark matter and its impact on astronomy. John Peacock, Joe Silk 13 Jul 2016
28 New Statistics and Prediction In the first part of their discussion, Joe Silk and John Peacock compare approaches to statistics and how these bear on predictions in cosmology, including Weinberg’s prediction of the cosmological constant. John Peacock, Joe Silk 13 Jul 2016
29 Practical Fine-Tuning In the fourth part of their discussion, Luke Barnes and David Sloan look for ways the fine-tuning problems can lead to advances in physics. Luke Barnes, David Sloan 13 Jul 2016
30 What Is Fine-Tuning? In the first part of their discussion, Luke Barnes and David Sloan come up with a working understanding of fine-tuning. They also discuss various examples of fine-tuning in physics. This discussion was conducted at Trinity College, Oxford, on May 13, 2016 Luke Barnes, David Sloan 13 Jul 2016
31 Where and how might we search for life? From planet demographics to biosignatures Professor Suzanne Aigrain is an expert exoplanet researcher. In this talk she will outline the methods for detection and characterisation of exoplanets in the context of finding planets that might harbor life. Suzanne Aigrain 10 May 2016
32 Creative Commons The Unity of the Universe The Final Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor David Deutsch David Deutsch 09 Mar 2016
33 Fundamental constants and biology George Ellis of the University of Cape Town shows how we can use a space of possibilities to assess the fragility of life. This talk was part of the Consolidation of Fine-Tuning Project's first workshop, "Life in the Universe", on November 3, 2015. George Ellis 02 Mar 2016
34 Assessing Fine-Tuning in Physics: How Many? How Fine? How Come? Bernard Carr of Queen Mary University of London looks at sources of fine tuning in physics and their possible explanations. This talk was part of the Consolidation of Fine-Tuning Project's first workshop, "Life in the Universe", on November 3, 2015. Bernard Carr 02 Mar 2016
35 Gravitational lensing: one of the sharpest tools in an astronomer's toolbox Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 3 by Professor James Binney. James Binney 24 Sep 2015
36 General Relativity: what is it & why Einstein conceived it thus Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 2 by Professor John Wheater. John Wheater 24 Sep 2015
37 Cosmology from General Relativity Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the eighth Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics on 19 September 2015. Talk 3 by Pedro Ferreira. Pedro Ferreira 24 Sep 2015
38 Cosmology from the Microwave Background Physics Colloquium 22nd May 2015 delivered by Professor Jo Dunkley Jo Dunkley 29 May 2015
39 Everything from nothing, or how our universe was made The 2015 Wetton Lecture delivered by Professor Carlos Frenk Carlos Frenk 29 May 2015
40 String Theory on the Sky Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. David Marsh 24 Mar 2015
41 Creative Commons Inner space meets outer space: Introduction Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. Subir Sarkar 24 Mar 2015
42 String Theory on the Sky Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 3rd morning of Theoretical Physics. The event focused on the interface between theoretical developments in particle physics and astrophysics/cosmology. David Marsh 29 Jan 2015
43 "Hidden Worlds" Part 3 - The virtual universe Dr Andrew Pontzen explains how chains of computers can be set up to simulate billions of years of development of the universe, but in a time period of weeks. Andrew Ponzen, Chris Lintott 05 Jan 2015
44 Creative Commons Inner Space Meets Outer Space Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. Subir Sarkar 15 Dec 2014
45 Creative Commons Darkness Visible: The Hunt For Dark Matter Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics. Felix Kahlhoefer 15 Dec 2014
46 "Matters of Scale" - Complete Episode The issues of scale are investigated – from how properties change at very small scales, to the vastness of the Universe. Includes parts 1, 2 and 3. Pedro Ferreira, Alan Barr, Sylvia MacLain, Sonia Trigueros 09 Oct 2014
47 "Origins" - Complete Episode The subject of origins is explored - from human fertilisation to the Big Bang. Includes parts 1, 2 and 3. Jo Dunkley, Alex Halliday, Suzannah Williams, Dagan Wells 09 Oct 2014
48 "Matters of Scale" Part 1 - Extremes of Scale Professors Pedro Ferreira and Alan Barr explain what scale means to them, from particle physics to the visible universe. At the subatomic level, gravity has a surprisingly large effect and particles are so small that they have no size. Alan Barr, Pedro Ferreira, Chris Lintott 08 Oct 2014
49 "Origins" Part 1 - Origins of the Universe Professor Jo Dunkley explains how we can look back in time at the light from the early Universe. This ultra-cold light can be used to create a picture from soon after the Big Bang. Jo Dunkley, Chris Lintott 07 Oct 2014
50 Creative Commons Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium 10th Dennis Sciama Memorial Lecture by Prof. James Binney. James Binney 22 May 2014
51 Black Holes A talk about Black Holes by Dr Brooke Simmons. Brooke Simmons 12 Dec 2013
52 Astrophotography Mel Gigg, Chipping Norton Amateur Astronomy Group, showcases some of his astrophotography. Mel Gigg 05 Dec 2013
53 Cosmology - What We Don't Know Chris Lintott talks about the unknown in the study of cosmology. Chris Lintott 05 Dec 2013
54 The Chelyabinsk Meteor In this talk Dr Ken Amor talks about the Chelyabinsk meteor, which entered Earths atmosphere over Russia on the 15th of February 2013. Ken Amor 16 Apr 2013
55 The Chelyabinsk Meteor In this talk Dr Ken Amor talks about the Chelyabinsk meteor, which entered Earths atmosphere over Russia on the 15th of February 2013. Ken Amor 16 Apr 2013
56 A History of the Universe in 12 Minutes From big bang to the present day, Chris Lintott summarises the history of the Universe in 12 minutes. Chris Lintott 16 Apr 2013
57 Astro Photography Showcase Mel Gigg of the Chipping Norton Amateur Astronomy Group showcases some fantastic amateur astro-photography. Mel Gigg 16 Apr 2013
58 Creative Commons Cosmology Jo Dunkley reviews the latest research in Cosmology. Jo Dunkley 30 Jan 2013
59 Marett Memorial Lecture 2011: Beauty and the beast In this year's Marett Memorial Lecture, Professor Terence S Turner (Cornell University) discusses 'Beauty and the beast: Humanity, animality and animism in the thought of an Amazonian people' (6 May 2011). Terence S Turner 06 Jun 2011
60 Creative Commons Cosmology and Creation: From Hawking to Aquinas (10 Mar 2011) William Carroll, Aquinas Fellow, Blackfriars College, Oxford, gives a talk for the Ian Ramsay Seminar Series on 10th March, 2011. William Carroll 18 Apr 2011
61 Creative Commons Working with the crowd : 21st century citizen science Galaxy Zoo PI and James Martin Fellow Chris Lintott will review the technologies available to researchers seeking to rescue themselves from drowning in data by recruiting the help of tens or even hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Chris Lintott 27 Oct 2010
62 The Early Universe and Alzheimer's Pedro discusses the Big Bang and the early Universe, and Jonathan details Oxford's groundbreaking research of the genetics of Alzheimer's. Marcus du Sautoy, Frances Ashcroft, John Wood, Pedro Ferreira 03 Sep 2009
63 The Early Universe and Alzheimer's Pedro discusses the Big Bang and the early Universe, and Jonathan details Oxford's groundbreaking research of the genetics of Alzheimer's. Marcus du Sautoy, Frances Ashcroft, John Wood, Pedro Ferreira 03 Sep 2009
64 Synaesthesia and Citizen Science Part one. The team examines the neurological condition synaesthesia and the recent Oxford study which sheds light on its genetic basis. Also explored is Galaxy Zoo, an innovative Oxford project which asks the public to help classify galaxies. Marcus du Sautoy, Irene Tracey, Chris Lintott, Pedro Ferreira 02 Mar 2009