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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Whatever happened to Algerian Islamism? Prof. Michael Willis in Session 2: Islamist and Religious Currents: Networks of Influence and Ideology, at November 2024 Contemporary Islamic Studies Oxford/SEPAD, Lancaster University workshop: Transnational Islamic Movements: Global and Local Realities. Michael Willis, Antonella Acinapura 13 Jan 2025
2 Creative Commons Algeria: Politics and Society from the Dark Decade to the Hirak Dr Michael Willis' new book offers an explanation of this unexpected development known as the Hirak Movement, examining the political and social changes that have occurred in Algeria since the ‘dark decade’ of the 1990s Michael Willis, Eugene Rogan 10 Feb 2023
3 Creative Commons Michael Willis on Recent Developments in the Maghreb Michael Willis joins Almanac to discuss his new book, Algeria: Politics and Society from the Dark Decade to the Hirak, recent developments in Tunisia and Morocco, and why studying the area “West of Cairo” is of critical importance to Middle East Studies. Matthew Smith, Michael Willis 17 Jan 2023
4 Independence and Colonialism in the Western Sahara Piotr Schulkes, Helna Murphy, Hajar Meddah, and Felix Walker discuss the recent development in the Western Sahara, caused by America’s recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the territory. Piotr Schulkes, Helna Murphy, Hajar Meddah, Felix Walker 06 Oct 2021
5 Hirak: A roundtable on the Algerian protests Roundtable discussion looking at the Algerian protests. With Michael Willis (St Antony’s College), James McDougall (Trinity College), Hicham Yezza (Ceasefire Magazine) and Latefa Guemar (University of East London). Michael Willis, James McDougall, Hicham Yezza, Latefa Guemar 20 Jun 2019
6 A History of Algeria James McDougall presents an expansive new account of the modern history of Africa's largest country James McDougal, Eugene Rogan, Laleh Khalili, Robert Gildea 25 Jan 2018
7 Are Algerian politics exhausted? Dr Hugh Roberts gives a talk for the middle east studies centre seminar series. Hugh Roberts 08 Dec 2017
8 'To have and have not': International migration, poverty and inequality in Algeria Mouhoub el Mouhoud considers the effects of emigration on poverty and inequality by drawing on an original survey conducted in Algeria Mouhoub el Mouhoud 16 Jun 2016
9 Creative Commons FMR 45 Aspects of crisis migration in Algeria Movements of migrants are only partially covered by international instruments and while the Algerian authorities certainly have opportunities to protect this stream of people, no agreements (bilateral or multilateral) are in force to do so. Mohamed Saïb Musette 07 Apr 2014